Webs of Science: Mentor Networks Influence Social Integration into STEM Careers

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This talk is the fourth talk of the SABER Seminar series and will be held over Zoom at this link.

Paul R. Hernandez, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture and the Department of Educational Psychology at Texas A&M University. His research focuses on the developmental relationships and social contexts that support motivation and persistence in higher education – with a particular focus on students from historically underrepresented groups pursuing STEM degrees and careers.

Mentorship can be part of the solution to developing a more diverse global scientific workforce, but mentorship models focused on dyadic mentoring can reproduce hierarchies the reinforce the status quo. Reframing mentoring relationships as developmental mentor networks can more accurately describe the experiences of protégé, can deepen our understanding of how, why, and for whom mentoring “works,” and can empower protégé to effectively pursue their STEM career goals. This session will highlight research on developmental mentor network theory, including factors the promote the formation of diverse and robust mentorship networks and the impacts these networks can have on STEM career development.