Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center

We promote equity in the experiences of undergraduates in STEM through innovative education research conducted at scale.

Research to include

Research to include

Check out our ongoing research projects, recent publications and presentations, and research teams!

Explore research

Resources to include

Resources to include

Interested in making your course more inclusive based on our research? Take a look at our freely available teaching resources.

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Innovate to include

Innovate to include

The RISE Center is constantly exploring new and innovative ideas for broadening inclusion in undergraduate STEM education. See what we are doing that is new and exciting, pitch an idea to us, or get involved in the activities of the center.

Innovate with us

Services to include

Services to include

Are you interested in a workshop about inclusion? Do you want to evaluate a course or program? The RISE Center offers numerous services by experts in inclusion, including invited talks, workshops, and evaluation of courses, including course-based undergraduate research experiences.

Receive support

Donate to include

Donate to include

Help support our mission to provide inclusive undergraduate STEM education by donating today!

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RISE Center Current Events and Announcements

LGBTQ+ Committee: Who We Are


Through their LGBTQ+ Committee, The American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) strives to create

Katey Cooper Receives ASU Faculty Women's Association Award!

A BIG congrats to Katey Cooper, who just received ASU Faculty Women's Association Outstanding Faculty Mentor Early Career Award! She has been an integral part of RISE, and we are so appreciative of all of her hard work in the lab, in the classroom, and with her students!

Making Faculty Identities Visible, for Students’ Sake

Inside HigherEd

Student identities matter in the classroom. But while much of the literature in this area focuses on overt student identities, namely race and gender, a new study focuses on what it calls concealable stigmatized identities, or “CSIs.” These include LGBTQIA+ status, being a first-generation college student, struggling academically during college, being a community college transfer student, growing up in a low-income household, and having anxiety, depression, addiction or a disability.

Upcoming events

There are currently no upcoming events or workshops. Check back soon for updates.