Reframing equity in STEM education with historically minoritized communities: Seeding rightful presence

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This talk explores the inadequacy of framing equity in STEM education merely as inclusion into the established culture of canonical STEM reflexive solely of the epistemologies, ontologies, and axiologies of White middle-class heteropatriarchy. I introduce the framework of Rightful Presence as an approach to more critically, 1) survey the terrain of inequities in STEM education for minoritized populations as historical, systemic, and enduring that are manifested in particular, local ways, and the role of fostering more expansive epistemologies, ontologies, and axiologies in disrupting such inequities; 2) highlight the need to consider the temporal arc – past, present, future – of how minoritized youth engage with STEM across spaces as negotiated through particular social-spatial relationalities; and 3) consider what is entailed in terms of the design of justice-oriented STEM learning environments and pedagogical approach, to expand the epistemologies, ontologies, and axiologies of STEM to be reflexive of historically underrepresented Youth of Color and minoritized groups in STEM.
