Form and Function: Drawing to Learn Biology

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Dr. Jennifer Landin is an Associate Teaching Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at North Carolina State University. She teaches large-enrollment courses in biology, as well as interdisciplinary courses that incorporate humanities into the sciences to encourage a more holistic understanding of traditional and scientific knowledge and appreciation of nature through visual arts. Biological Illustration, a biology course created by Landin, has garnered international attention with its creative approach to teaching science. Her artwork focuses on visual communication of scientific information, especially as it relates to ecology and biodiversity issues. She is an active member of the Guild of Natural Science Illustrators.

The classroom use of drawing activities helps students to observe structures more closely, ask reflective questions, and process content for better understanding and recall. Jennifer Landin will present her unique approach to teaching biodiversity and comparative anatomy through biological illustration. She'll also offer options for everyone to incorporate drawing activities into their classes, even for large-scale, fast-paced courses.

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