Gin, L. E., Pais, D., Cooper, K. M., & Brownell, S. E. (2022). Students with Disabilities in Life Science Undergraduate Research Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(2), ar32.
Edwards, B. A., Roberts, J. A., Bowen, C., Brownell, S. E., & Barnes, M. E. (2022). An exploration of how gender, political affiliation, or religious identity is associated with comfort and perceptions of controversial topics in bioethics. Advances in Physiology Education.
Abraham, A. E., Busch, C. A., Brownell, S. E., & Cooper, K. M. (2022). Instructor perceptions of student incivility in the online undergraduate science classroom. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, e00271-21.
Gin, L. E., Pais, D. C., Parrish, K. D., Brownell, S. E., & Cooper, K. M. (2022). New online accommodations are not enough: the mismatch between student needs and supports given for students with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education, e00280-21.
Barnes, M. E., Misheva, T., Supriya, K., Rutledge, M., & Brownell, S. E. (2022). A Revised Measure of Acceptance of the Theory of Evolution: Introducing the MATE 2.0. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(1), ar10.
Youngblood, J. P., Webb, E. A., Gin, L. E., van Leusen, P., Henry, J. R., VandenBrooks, J. M., & Brownell, S. E. (2022). Anatomical self-efficacy of undergraduate students improves during a fully online biology course with at-home dissections. Advances in Physiology Education, 46(1), 125-139.
Mohammed, T. F., Nadile, E. M., Busch, C. A., Brister, D., Brownell, S. E., Claiborne, C. T., ... & Cooper, K. M. (2021). Aspects of Large-Enrollment Online College Science Courses That Exacerbate and Alleviate Student Anxiety. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(4), ar69.
Supriya, K., Mead, C., Anbar, A. D., Caulkins, J. L., Collins, J. P., Cooper, K. M., ... & Brownell, S. E. (2021) Undergraduate Biology Students Received Higher Grades During COVID-19 but Perceived Negative Effects on Learning. Frontiers in Education, 6(759624).