Mental Health Initiatives

The RISE Center is involved in several projects centering undergraduate and graduate student mental health. Click the links below to learn more:

Fail-Safe Science

Fail Safe Science: This initiative aims to develop a repository of science faculty members talking about their experiences with failure during graduate school.  We aim to normalize and promote coping with failure during graduate school.  If you’re interested in getting involved as a faculty member, click here.  If you’re interested in learning about developments related to this initiative, click here.

International Science Postgraduate Mental Health Alliance

International Science Postgraduate Mental Health Alliance: This initiative aims to create an international support network of postgraduate scientists interested in mental health advocacy in academia.  This group meets monthly to identify threats to postgraduate mental health and develop strategies to promote mental health in academic science. Click here to join this initiative.

Documenting Graduate Mental Health

This grant project aims to assess the current state of science graduate student mental health and identify what aspects of graduate school alleviate and exacerbate students’ anxiety and depression.  Check out the resulting publications:

Coping with Fear of Negative Evaluation

In collaboration with the Lab for Scalable Mental Health at Northwestern University, we have developed Project Engage.  Project Engage encompasses a brief online single-session intervention designed to help undergraduate students cope with fear of negative evaluation in large-enrollment biology courses.  Read more about this work here.