Bio: Carly grew up in Houston, TX and earned her BA in Biology at Whitman College. After teaching introductory biology labs at the University of Washington in Seattle, Carly realized her interest in undergraduate biology education. She is currently a PhD student at ASU and is broadly interested in research to make undergraduate learning environments more equitable and inclusive. She is particularly interested in how students' identities impact their experiences in undergraduate biology spaces. In her free time, Carly enjoys trying new recipes, exploring the outdoors with her wife, and sewing.
Research: Carly is a recipient of the NSF GRFP. Carly's work focuses on how student and instructor concealable stigmatized identities (CSIs) influence their experiences in biology learning environments .
Mohammed, T. F.*, Nadile, E. M.*, Busch, C. A.*, Brister, D., Brownell, S. E., Claiborne, C. T., Edwards, B. A., Gazing Wolf, J., Lunt, C., Tran, M., Vargas, C., Walker, K. M., Warkina T. D., Witt, M.L., Brownell, S. E., Zheng, Y., & Cooper, K. M. (2021). Aspects of Large-Enrollment Online College Science Courses That Exacerbate and Alleviate Student Anxiety. CBE—Life Sciences Education, 20(4), ar69. *These authors contributed equally