Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center
We promote inclusivity in the experiences of undergraduates in STEM through innovative education research conducted at scale.
Research to include
Research to include
Check out our ongoing research projects, recent publications and presentations, and research teams!
Resources to include
Resources to include
Interested in making your course more inclusive based on our research? Take a look at our freely available teaching resources.
Innovate to include
Innovate to include
The RISE Center is constantly exploring new and innovative ideas for broadening inclusion in undergraduate STEM education. See what we are doing that is new and exciting, pitch an idea to us, or get involved in the activities of the center.
Services to include
Services to include
Are you interested in a workshop about inclusion? Do you want to evaluate a course or program? The RISE Center offers numerous services by experts in inclusion, including invited talks, workshops, and evaluation of courses, including course-based undergraduate research experiences.
Donate to include
Donate to include
Help support our mission to provide inclusive undergraduate STEM education by donating today!
Mental Health to include
Mental Health to include
The Mental Health Division of the RISE Center is devoted to understanding the relationship between mental health and science learning environments. Check out our publications, initiatives, and resources here!
RISE Center Current Events and Announcements

Trans researchers under attack: LGBTQ+ biologists face hostile work environment
A recent Nature article highlights a study from the Cooper Lab, which surveyed 1,419 biologists, including 486 identifying as LGBTQ+. This survey provides the first comprehensive analysis of the LGBTQ+ climate in the field of biology. The findings reveal that 40% of transgender and gender-nonconforming researchers, and 20% of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer researchers, have experienced hostility, intimidation, or offensive behavior in their workplace.

NEW APS Podcast Episode on recent RISE center Publication "The Upside to Depression..."
In this episode of The APS Publications Podcast, join Tasneem F. Mohammed, Nolina Doud, Sara E. Brownell, and Katelyn M. Cooper as they discuss their recently published paper, "The Upside to Depression: Undergraduates Benefit from an Instructor Revealing Depression in a Large-Enrollment Physiology Course." In the study, an instructor of a large physiology course openly disclosed her depression to students on two separate occasions. The research explores how this revelation impacted students' perceptions of the instructor, the classroom environment, and their overall experience.

Congratulations to new Ph.D. Candidate Tasneem Mohammad!
Congratulations to Tasneem Mohammad for successfully defending her prospectus and officially becoming a Ph.D. Candidate!
Upcoming events
Racism, Not Race: An evolutionary biologist's answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Mar 20, 2025 10:00 am
9am PT/12 pm ET
Racism, Not Race: An evolutionary biologist's answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Joseph Graves, PhD
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
Black Students, Religion, and STEM: Exploring the Intersections
Apr 17, 2025 10:00 am
9am PT/12 pm ET
Black Students, Religion, and STEM: Exploring the Intersections
Julie Park, PhD
University of Maryland, College Park
Christopher Travers, PhD
University of Maryland, College Park
Navigating the hidden curriculum: Latine undergraduate students' science identity development
May 15, 2025 10:00 am
MAY 15
9 am PT/ 12 pm ET
Navigating the hidden curriculum: Latine undergraduate students' science identity development
Danielle Maxwell, PhD
University of Detroit Mercy
Featured authors from the CBE-Life Sciences Education special issue: Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Justice in Biology Education
Jun 26, 2025 10:00 am
9 am PT/ 12 pm ET
Featured authors from the CBE-Life Sciences Education special issue: Equity, Inclusion, Access, and Justice in Biology Education
Speakers TBA